Basic Care and Maintenance of CNC Lathes

The CNC lathe has the characteristics of integrating machinery, electricity, and hydraulics, and is technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive. It is an advanced processing equipment with a high degree of automation, complex structure, and expensive structure. To give full play to its benefits and reduce the occurrence of failures, routine maintenance work must be done. Therefore, CNC lathe maintenance personnel are required to not only have knowledge of machinery, processing technology, and hydraulic and pneumatics but also have electronic computers, automatic control, driving, and measurement. Technical and other knowledge, so that we can fully understand and master CNC lathes and perform maintenance work promptly.


Daily Maintenance Guide for CNC Machine Tools

1. Optimal Usage Environment:

  • Ensure compliance with machine tool instructions regarding temperature, humidity, vibration, and power supply voltage.

  • Consider isolating CNC lathes from regular mechanical equipment for easier maintenance access.

Optimal Usage Environment

2. Specialized Personnel:

  • Employ personnel proficient in CNC system programming, operation, and maintenance.

  • Familiarize them with mechanical parts, CNC systems, electrical components, and environmental conditions.

3. Idle Machine Maintenance:

  • Power on idle CNC lathes periodically to prevent moisture buildup.

  • During humid seasons, power them on daily to dissipate moisture from electronic components.

4. Hardware Control Maintenance:

  • Conduct annual inspections by experienced electricians to ensure components are within specified parameters.

  • Check voltage levels, clean electrical connections, inspect fan operation, and replace backup batteries as needed.

Hardware Control Maintenance

5. Mechanical Part Maintenance:

  • After each operation, clean chips from carriages and guide rails to prevent damage and ensure precision.

  • Regularly check chip conveyors for proper function to avoid chip accumulation and guide rail damage.

Mechanical Part Maintenance

6. Spindle Motor Maintenance:

  • Annually inspect spindle and servo motors for abnormal noise and temperature rise.

  • Address mechanical issues or parameter settings affecting noise levels.

  • Inspect brushes, commutators, and cooling fans for wear and cleanliness.

Mechanical Part Maintenance

7. Feed Servo Motor Maintenance:

  • Conduct maintenance every 10-12 months for CNC lathe servo motors.

  • More frequent checks for machines with frequent acceleration or deceleration.

  • Tasks include blowing off dust, checking brush wear, and inspecting and cleaning commutators and encoders.

Feed Servo Motor Maintenance

Key Clamping Considerations for CNC Lathes


Key Tips for Monitoring CNC Lathe Cutting